Spork Used as Knife
(and other disconcerting events)
April 1, 2011
Spork Used As Knife is an exhibition featuring the work of Maurice Doherty, Shana Moulton, Hilary Sand, Dave Sherry, and Curver Thoroddsen.
The exhibition investigates humor and performance and their unique ability to reflect the absurdity of everyday life. The history of performance art offers the medium as a means of rebellion, the act of breaking with the current state of art and politics. The work featured in "Spork Used As Knife" rather ruptures the personal experience of everyday life by forcing the viewer to turn his or her perspective and view it from a skewed angle. The mirrored reflection of life by art comes ever closer in performance, and with the comfort offered by humor, begins to break down this distinction.
Each artist in the show approaches these barriers between the quotidian and The Quotidian from a different perspective, and through different mobilizations of the banal and the humorous.
Learn more about the artists:
Maurice Doherty
Shana Moulton
Hilary Sand
Dave Sherry
Curver Thoroddsen
Curatorial Text by Melanie Kress
Published in Concrete Experience, Issue 1: Transposition, Seoul April 2011
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